AI and Matchmaking

December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021 ENKI Team
Artificial Intelligence is a powerful tool that allows us to access and process the overwhelming amount of data we produce better than any human can. This analytical ability can help bring us valuable insight that can improve the way we operate. For example, there is the unlimited potential that AI can bring to the field of matchmaking. AI’s data processing abilities can help us make better matches that can lead to long-term positive outcomes in work and love.

AI has the power to analyze large batches of data in short periods, delivering accurate insights by identifying patterns in the data. AI can be trained to learn from the data given and develop insight around the data. AI can gain a deep understanding of human behavior and comprehend the intent behind the behavior. AI’s learning capabilities can help optimize the matchmaking process by delving deeper into the data to pull new insights from it. For example, AI can help matchmakers understand who a person is. It can also help them understand an individual’s unique personality and goals, a valuable insight that can help them create better matches.

If you are a job seeker submitting an online application, an AI will likely review your application before it ever hits a recruiter’s desk. Job recruiters are increasingly turning to AI to help them sift through the mountain of applications they receive daily. An average recruiter does not possess the bandwidth to get through every application that is sent their way. AI lightens that burden by identifying applications that meet their requirements. The applications that meet these requirements will be sent to the top of the pile, allowing the most qualified applicants to be reviewed first. Job matching powered by AI can also help optimize job searching for job seekers. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn possess an AI job matching algorithm to help job seekers find the perfect position. Job seekers are not just looking for a job that pays well; they are also looking to work for a business that shares their values. Potential employees are more likely to succeed in a working environment that values them and their growth within the industry. AI matchmaking can help job seekers make connections with the kinds of companies they want to work for.
AI can also help to improve our love connections. For most people, dating is a rough process that is often unfulfilling. AI can help make this process a little less painful by enabling us to find our “ideal matches.” In the age of COVID-19, most dating is being conducted online, so it is helpful to have a tool that allows us to find the most compatible people amongst the sea of singles. Online dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble possess an algorithm that utilizes user information and activity to optimize a user’s matches. These dating apps allow users to create profiles that detail who they are and what they are looking for in their next relationship. The algorithm then takes the data produced by the user to match them with profiles that the user is likely to swipe right on. These matching algorithms can help to eliminate some of the initial struggles with finding a date by pairing you with people who share similar interests to you. Some of these algorithms can even help initiate conversations by allowing users to customize questions for potential matches.

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