The Transformation of Customer Service in the Digital Age

June 5, 2019
Posted in Business
June 5, 2019 ENKI Team

Brands must elevate their customer service to suit the online generation in the digital age. The Internet has completely transformed how individuals engage with brands, and in the past two decades, customer experience has become the driving force behind the digital transformation of modern brands. Most digital marketers urge brands to embrace digitalization because digitally mature brands are much more likely to influence the market in which they exist.

Social media and innovative technology have altered customers’ expectations of the brands they consume. Customers now expect instant results and seamless connectivity. For many, this means that brands have a distinct presence on social media, are accessible and cross-functional across smart devices, and keep in contact with their customers. They also expect brands to know what they want, sometimes, even before they know it themselves. Brands that are unwilling to revolutionize the way they market to their potential customers are doomed to failure. Brands must keep up with current trends and predict customer behavior if they hope to stay relevant.

To close the gap between a brand and its hopeful audience, a brand must understand their customer. Predictive analytics can help a brand compete with the ever-changing interests of their customer base by allowing them to utilize the data that their customers produce to get a clear picture of who their customers are and what drives them. Brands can then make profiles of their ideal customer and cater their marketing strategy to attract them using the context generated by that data. Automation and AI with machine learning capabilities allow brands unprecedented access to customer data and the power to cipher through it faster than any person ever could. Designing a digital marketing strategy that is unique to a brand and personal to the customer base they hope to reach will help to advantage a brand against its competitors.

Consumers are changing. Any brand that hopes to keep up must evolve. Digital literacy and progression are paramount for emerging brands to survive and thrive in any market. Brands that tether their digital transformation to customer experience tend to have a competitive edge because they are better positioned to predict what their customers will want.


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